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Fresh Meat Guide to Roller Derby

Image by Sindy Süßengut

Fresh meat guide to roller Derby Basics

Roller derby is a full-contact, high-energy sport played on roller skates. Roller derby started in the United States in the 1930’s and has been gaining popularity since then. Roller derby is played by two teams with five players each. 

The main goal of the game is for the jammer to make as many laps as possible while the rest of the team blocks and tries to stop the opposing jammer or by helping their own jammer get through the pack. Before we get started on the basics this Roller Shawty blog post will go over roller derby basics, how to get good at roller derby, what gear you will need as well as roller derby teams in Utah for you to join. Let’s get started with Roller Derby Basics! 

Image by Derby Dolls 

Let’s start with roller derby basics 

Roller Derby is played on an oval track, and each game or bout is played for about 2 – 30 minutes sessions. Each half there are multiple jams or 2 minute sessions of play during which teams score points. The jammer will wear a helmet with a cover that has a star, and only the jammer can score points by passing the rival players. The blockers will try to prevent both the rival jammer from getting through.

Roller derby is a physically demanding sport that demands a combination of strength, sharpness, and stamina. Players are constantly moving, blocking, and taking hits from rival players. As a team players must have good communication skills and be able to work together to reach goals. 

One of the best parts of getting to play is the importance of safety of the players. Players must wear safety gear, like helmets, mouth guards, knee pads, elbow pads & wrist guards. Officials also monitor games to make sure rules are being followed, and players are not engaging in reckless behavior. 

Roller derby also has a strong community and culture. Many roller derby teams are co-operatives, players and volunteers work together to manage and promote the team. The sport focuses on inclusivity and welcoming of all! 

Roller derby has its own terminology that is used for practice and during games. Here are just a few of the terms so you can talk derby. 

Pivot: Is when the player can become the jammer if the current jammer gives their cover to switch positions.  

Pack: Refers to the group of blockers.

Whip: A move where one player grabs the hand of the other player and uses their body to swing them forward to help gain speed. 

Fresh Meat: A new roller skater that hasn’t passed their skill test, and is not ready to bout with their league, they can also be called “fresh meat.”

Zebra: A nickname for a referee. 

Nine month Injury: When a roller skater is pregnant and not able to play.

If you want to learn more terminology check out Roller Derby Roster to learn more about the lingo you will need to speak. 

7 tips to get good at roller derby

  1. Figure out what position you want to play. The team is made up of different skills. What are your strengths and weaknesses, how will that affect you on the track? 
  2. Check yourself before you wreck yourself, listen to your body and take a break when you need it. You can only be in beast mode for so long. 
  3. Tell your coach and captain you are hungry for more. This will show them that you are interested in advancing your skills, and they will give you feedback to hold you accountable so you can keep growing as the Roller Baddie you’re meant to be. 
  4. Probably the most important step of them all is doing the work, if you want to improve you’ll have to take the time to practice and listen to the tips given by the coaches and captains, they want to see you improve, so they can see where your skills can best be used. 
  5. Take the time to reflect and see where you can improve. Be honest with yourself if you don’t feel good about one of your skills, take the time to create a plan on how you can progress and improve for the next time. 
  6. Set goals for yourself and make yourself accountable for reaching them. The best way to improve is by setting expectations for yourself, and holding yourself accountable to meet those goals. Make it achievable if the goal doesn’t work try switching it up. 
  7. Last but not least, sometimes buying new equipment will make the difference, if you’re not sure if its new gear you need, ask your coach how your form is doing before dropping some cash into this sport. 

These are 7 ways to get good at roller derby, don’t forget to also enjoy it. As intimidating as it may seem it’s important to practice, but also to enjoy the sport itself. 

 Image by Brenda Learns

What roller derby gear do you need? 

What gear will you need to purchase before joining a roller derby league? You’ll need… 

  • Roller Skates 
  • Knee Pads
  • Wrist Guards 
  • Elbow Pads
  • Mouth Guard 
  • Helmet 
  • Determination 
  • And a Big Heart 

But also check out Roller Derby Warehouse they have a wide selection of skates and different brands to choose from.  A different set of skates will be needed for the track. Fun recreational skates won’t do the job for this skate session, they won’t be able to uphold this type of skating. 

One of the most significant risks are head injuries. Helmets are a must for preventing concussions, skull fracture, and other head injuries. Also mouth guards are great because they will protect your teeth, tongue, and other mouth parts from falls or impacts. 

Wearing safety gear is essential for roller derby to prevent injury and for the safety of the players. It’s also important to keep in mind safety gear is half of the prevention. Roller Skates  also need to be aware of surroundings, and practice good sportsmanship. Now that you have some basics of roller derby let’s check out leagues here in Utah you can join.

Roller Derby teams in Utah.

Here are two roller derby teams to check out. Utah Wasatch Roller Derby, are based in Salt Lake CIty. They have a crash course option for you to learn how to start in roller derby.  Other options if you’re Utah County based would be to check out Happy Valley Derby Darlins based in Lehi. They have boot camp options to get started with roller derby lessons for $35 a month. 

Check out Where to buy outdoor skate wheels & indoor skate wheels, and other roller skate parts to learn more about different wheel hardness and what types of wheel should you have for roller skate setups so you can buy the right wheel size. 

Roller Derby is a unique style of skating, the sport looks like an extreme, harsh contact sport on the outer surface and it is that, but in order to flourish in this game you will need to learn to have great communication skills, be a team player to really learn how to play roller derby.

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