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Is roller skating good exercise? 

Image by Samuel Regan-Asante

Are you looking to switch up your regular neighbor run or regular gym routine? Learn the benefits of roller skating as a work out. There are many ways to exercise, and get yourself moving. Here is why roller skating is the best way to have a fun work out. The table of content for this roller shawty post is the following list. 

  • How many calories does roller skating burn? 
  • Roller skating songs for grooving & moving
  • 5 reasons roller skating is the ideal workout
  • Cute roller skating outfits to wear
  • Places to start roller skating near me

5 reasons roller skating is the ideal workout

  1. Quad skating is a great aerobic workout. When you roller skate, you engage multiple muscles. You mainly work out your hips, glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves, when you’re pushing off the roller skates you use your gluteus medius, doing this helps with hip abduction, and stabilizing your pelvis which leads to better balance. Bonus, It also helps to increase your heart rate and improve your overall cardiovascular health. It’s a good idea to take care of your heart, it will be beneficial not to have to deal with high blood pressure, and cholesterol when you’re old.
  2. Roller skating can be easier on the knees, which makes it a great alternative for people who endure joint pain. It puts less stress on your joints than most activities like running, and that can cause stress and injury after a while. 
  3. Roller skating helps to improve your balance and coordination. When you roller skate, you mainly use core muscles to maintain your balance, this will help you stay upright. Improved balance and coordination can reduce your risk of falls while skating.
  4. Skating can be a great way to meet people. It’s a good option if you’re not feeling like getting drinks while hanging with friends. Also a fun social activity that can have you talking to people you wouldn’t have met before starting this hobby. You’ll be able to meet or build a community with people that have similar interests, Which can improve your sense of belonging and reduce feelings of loneliness. 
  1. It also can improve your mental health. When you roller skate, you release endorphins, the feel-good chemicals that help boost your mood and reduce stress and anxiety. It’s also just fun to dance around and see how fast you can skate, or how many times you can spin in row. You have to have some fun while roller skating. It helps you be in the moment. 

Roller skating is an excellent form of exercise that has many health benefits. It is a great cardiovascular workout, a low-impact exercise, and can help to improve your balance and coordination, and boost mental health.  Have you ever wondered how many calories you burn while roller skating? I know I have. 

How many calories does roller skating burn? 

Roller skating can be an easy and fun way to burn calories. If you’re able to keep consistency and maintain a moderate pace, It can turn out to be a high-intensity workout. Just 1 hour moderate roller skating can burn 330-600 calories.  It also will help tone and strengthen muscles, without having to lift weights, you’ll be gliding through it. Roller skating will increase your metabolism, because you’ll be burning more calories you’ll need to be eating more too. 

Roller skating will provide a full aerobic workout that requires all the body’s muscles, especially the heart. Roller skating is comparable to jogging. This will help reduce body fat, while improving leg strength as you roll around the town. Everybody skates differently, so there are determining factors such as how many calories you’ll be burning like how fast you’re going, and also how long you’ll be roller skating. 

Quad skating is a fun way to burn calories, and stay active and healthy. It’s a whole body aerobic exercise that builds strength, and high-intensity cardio workout that is enjoyable.

Image by Alonso Reyes 

Cute roller skating outfits to wear 

If you’ve been on Tiktok or Instagram then you’ve seen how every roller skater has their own aesthetic. Have fun with your roller skating outfit, get out of your comfort zone and match different prints, patterns, make a statement with your outfit. It’s a great way to express yourself through fashion. 

A good outfit can give you confidence while you’re out there on the rink or outdoors skating, it’s fun to play around with different styles and wear fun outfits to match those groovy moves you’ve been learning, The are many different aesthetic like the sporty babe on blades, retro baddie, and a park skater girl. Check out Roller Shawty Pinterest to discover your roller skating aesthetic.

Image by Brett Jordan 

Roller skating songs for grooving & moving

Part of having a good time roller skating is to have a groovy playlist. There is no right or wrong playlist, there is only the playlist that gets you up, and wanting to dance like nobody’s watching. There many platforms to stream music from, each one will have certain features you may like more. 

What type of music do you enjoy listening to while you’re on your own time? Johns Hopkins wrote an article on how listening to music will reduce anxiety, blood pressure, and it will improve your mood, sleeping quality, and memory. 

It’s also a great way to jumpstart creativity if you will branch out and listen to different types of music, new music will challenge the brain in a way that that playlist you’ve had on repeat for the past month won’t. Check out Roller Shawty playlist to start jamming out. 

Image by Jopopz Tallorin

Places to start roller skating near me

The best places are near your neighborhood and in the city! There are tons of places to check out, from public parks, to a little patch of concrete, and sidewalks. There are many options for people who want to work on technique or just enjoy the day cruising around with friends. 

So why not lace up and roll out with those skates? Explore the best spots near you. Roller skating is the ideal way to get a good workout in. It improves physical health, burns calories, boosts mental health. It is a great way to change from the regular gym routine. If you’re new or a pro, there is always something new to discover while being on 8 wheels. 

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